In January 2021, Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) experts spoke about the attack on IT security researchers around the world. Some details of this unusual operation have now been published.
Remember those epic robbery movies? Where tough guys come up with an ingenious plan, change their looks more often than models in shows, use incredible (unrealizable) psychological tricks and risk their skin in pursuit of profit.
The reconnaissance of the company’s network resources mainly consists in brute-force subdomains with the subsequent resolution of the found network blocks.
Man is what he consumes. This statement in the modern world now applies not only to food. Man is alive thanks not only to his daily bread. Every day we consume gigabytes of information, in one day we process it as much as in the Middle Ages people did not receive in their entire life. We just woke up and immediately check e-mail notifications, while we have breakfast, scroll through the feed on VKontakte or any other social network, in our free time we watch videos on YouTube, etc. etc. By these actions, we not only consume, but also create information. Each of our steps on the Internet, any of our clicks, all movements from site to site are recorded and recorded. This is called the user’s social data. It is they who make up our virtual personality. And this personality of ours has its own price, for which they are willing to pay big money.