Importance of Information Security: Pitfalls You Are to Face in Case of Leak of Information

For many companies, it’s until after a security breach or a supposed hack occurs that the company follows through on okay-security practices becoming a priority. The most effective approach to web security threats, in this case, the leak of information, must be defensive and proactive.
In a security breach or exposure of information, the valuable aspect is not how the company’s assets were exploited, but how this event affects the company and its customers.
To avoid this scenario in the first place, companies must be proactive and defensive in their security practices. The frequency of information leaks will depend on a number of factors, such as:
- The amount of data a company possesses
- How this data is used
- How this information is communicated
- The type of data itself
How Does an Insider Threat Happen in the Context of IT & Cybersecurity?
Insider threats are a major issue for both IT and cybersecurity professionals. Insider threats can be intentional or unintentional – either way, they pose a risk to the security of any given system.
An insider threat is a threat that originates from within an organization’s staff. It usually stems from explicit wrongdoing on the part of the insider, such as theft of intellectual property or customer data, or unwittingly damaging company or customer data, or intentional sabotage such as causing serious damage to systems.
A company’s most valuable asset is its human capital. It can be lost in many ways:
- Voluntary resignation.
- Accidental disclosure through carelessness (e.g., accidentally forwarding an email with sensitive information).
- Deliberate malfeasance (e.g., corporate espionage).
For this reason, there is often a need for confidentiality agreements to protect the information in the workplace.
What are the most common reasons for data leaks?
You will notice that some of these data leaks occur due to malicious attacks, and some are caused by human error.
The first question you might ask yourself when you realize you may have lost a large amount of personal and company data is what happened?
After all, it seems like the ideal scenario, when an insider surreptitiously stole corporate secrets or employee data and transferred them to an unknown third party.
Yet, it isn’t always so simple. Some companies are subject to accidental data leaks, such as those from old fax machines or damaged computer hard drives that are not easily recoverable.
Pitfalls You Face in Case of Leak of Information
There are several pitfalls in the event of a security breach. The first is that human error and carelessness from employees are the most common sources of data breaches.
The second is how careful companies are about protecting internal information. In some cases, the entire server room can be the source of the leak. With a large amount of data traveling between the corporate network and the cloud or data centers, there’s always the potential for vulnerabilities to expose critical information.
The third pitfall is how responsible employees are about securing data and how proactive the company is in ensuring information security.
How to prevent data leaks?
The good news is that some defensive security practices are very easy to put into place. Not everything needs to be an expensive system, and some systems can be outsourced and implemented with little to no trouble.
Knowing that security is essential is step one. Educate your employees that it’s not only their job but an important part of the company.
Take a few minutes to talk about the importance of your information security policies to them. What are the risks and their potential consequences? Does the information contain anything that could be dangerous if leaked? The more you explain it, the better you’ll be able to demonstrate why it’s so important to keep your information secure.
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In conclusion, we need to ensure that we have the proper levels of security in place to protect our digital assets. With the constant threat of data breaches and cyber-attacks looming over our heads, we must take the necessary steps to secure ourselves and our data.