Getting Started with SQL Injection

SQL injection (SQL injection, SQLi, SQL injection) is often called the most common method of attacks on websites. They are widely used by hackers and pentesters when applied to web applications. In the OWASP Top 10 list of vulnerabilities, there are SQL Injections, which, along with other similar attacks, are in the first place among the threats faced by web projects.
Despite the fact that SQL injection has been around for over 20 years, this method of attacking web projects can still be successfully used to hack websites and applications whose creators have not implemented the appropriate security mechanisms in them.
This material is intended for absolute beginners, for those who do not know anything about SQL injection. We’ll start by going over the basics to navigate before talking about SQLi. Namely, we will first talk about relational databases. Then – about SQL, and about the formation of SQL queries. And finally, how SQL injections work and why they are so dangerous for web applications.